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Do It on Your Own: From 3 to 5 Star Linked Open Data with RMLio

By Pieter Heyvaert on Feb 04, 2016


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In recent years, the Web is evolving from the Web of Documents, to the Web of Data, where data can be interlinked and be meaningful for machine as for humans. When this data is made publicly available or ‘open’, it is semantically interoperable with other datasets worldwide, the so-called Linked Open Data. In most cases data is in other formats and, thus, its Linked Open Data representation needs to be generated. In the past, this was the task of Semantic Web experts who have the technical expertise. However, the data publishers who have the data knowledge should be in charge of generating Linked Open Data on their own.

The RMLEditor, as part of the RMLio stack, is designed aiming not only to allow non-Semantic Web experts to generate Linked Open Data, but also to help Semantic Web experts in improving the process of generating Linked Open Data. The RMLEditor offers a graphical user interface (GUI) that hides the underlying mapping language and other Semantic Web details lowering the barriers for obtaining Linked Open Data and, thus, accelerates its adoption.

During our session at Open Belgium 2016, we give you the opportunity to generate your own Linked Open Data by using the RMLEditor. No Semantic Web expertise is required, so if you have your own data or not and you want to generate Linked Data on your own in a couple of minutes, then this session is for you!

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written by Pieter Heyvaert
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